About African Grace

Since 1995, African Grace has been the quintessential ambassador for Southern African curio products tailored to the discerning tastes of the global tourist market. Our mission is simple: to curate a seamless marketplace connecting retailers with the finest, culturally rich curios sourced from trusted local. With a steadfast commitment to sustainability and ethical practices, we endeavor to enrich travellers’ journeys while preserving the essence of cultural heritage.

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Some of Our Amazing Suppliers

African Grace was established in 1995 as an Agency designed for the marketing and promotion of Ranges manufactured in Southern Africa mainly geared for the Tourist market. The ranges are designed to cover the entire spectrum of the various requirements of the visiting Tourist to the entire African Region.
These include items ranging from the very expensive upmarket jewellery and ornamental items through to light inexpensive gift items. Categories would fall into Jewellery, Ornamental, Clothing, Leatherwear, Curios, Collectors Art, Tableware, Beadwork, Fabrics and Stoneware. The manufacturers represented are carefully screened for reliability in production, service and quality prior to any placement of their ranges in the local and Export marketplace.
At African Grace, our mission is to be the leading provider of curio products and services, catering specifically to retailers in the tourism industry. We strive to connect wholesalers and suppliers with retailers, creating a seamless and efficient marketplace that fuels the growth and success of businesses in this sector.
We are committed to offering a diverse range of high-quality curio items, sourced from trusted suppliers around the globe. Our comprehensive catalogue ensures that retailers have access to unique, culturally rich, and attractive products that resonate with tourists’ preferences and interests.
Our goal is to establish long-lasting partnerships with wholesalers and suppliers, fostering mutually beneficial relationships built on trust, reliability, and transparency. By understanding and anticipating the evolving needs of our partners, we continuously enhance our platform and services to provide them with a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Furthermore, we prioritize the success of our retailers by providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and guidance to excel in the curio industry. Through our user-friendly interface, streamlined order management system, and dedicated customer support, we strive to simplify the procurement process, saving valuable time and effort for our retailers.
In all our endeavours, we remain committed to sustainability and ethical business practices. We encourage our suppliers to adhere to fair trade principles, ensuring that the communities they work with are treated fairly and equitably. By promoting environmentally conscious production and responsible sourcing, we aim to contribute positively to the preservation of cultural heritage and the protection of our planet.
Ultimately, our overall mission is to be the trusted gateway for retailers in the tourism industry, offering an extensive selection of curio products, unmatched customer support, and a platform that empowers their growth and success. We aspire to be the driving force behind their ability to provide unique, memorable, and culturally significant curios to travellers, enriching their experiences and fostering a deeper appreciation for the destinations they explore.